Welcome to this week’s no-pitch value email.
I don’t know if you realize this or not but in these weekly messages I’m literally handing you my gold, things I’ve literally paid thousands of dollars for which I’m giving you for free because I want you to succeed.
Let’s Go!!!!!!!!!!
This week I’m going to share with you a powerful strategy I use to get my affiliate links in front of thousands of people without paying a cent.
I’m sure many of you have heard about Quora and the fact that many affiliates are using it to get free traffic and leads.
Not many people know how to effectively use Quora though to boost their leads and sales.
For the benefit of those who don’t know, Quora is a website where people type in any question they want the answer to and then anyone can jump in and answer their question.
There are literally thousands of people typing in buyer intent questions into Quora right now for example: “What is the best way to make money online?” and you can get your affiliate link in front of the people asking that question.
There’s a secret way I use though to find the types of questions I’m after and that is the key to success with Quora marketing.
So let’s get into it.
Step 1:
Go and create a Quora account for yourself here
Step 2:
If you can, take a week just to warm your account up by answering questions without any links and by just providing value so it doesn’t look like you joined the platform for the purpose of spamming.
Step 3:
Now that your account is warmed up, click on the avatar circle where your photo would usually come
Step 4:
Click on ads manager. Don’t worry, you won’t be paying for any ads, just follow my steps…
Just fill in any details for business name etc…
Step 5:
Click on new campaign and fill in any details. It doesn’t really matter what you write. Click continue.
Step 6:
Now we come to the key part of this email. Under “targeting”, click ‘questions” and then click on bulk add just to the right of it in blue text
Step 7:
In the menu that pops up type in ‘money’ and then click continue…
Quora will then give you a list of the most top asked questions which you can target
Finally, click on the question you want to answer and then take time to answer the question properly, providing value.
Don’t just reply with your affiliate link or something saying: “Check out this link”.
Write a thorough answer that really answers the questioner and use ChatGPT to help you if you need to.
Then the most critical part is to highlight certain text in your answer and then click the paperclip to attach your affiliate link to that text (Don’t just paste affiliate links in the open).
Send people straight to your affiliate link or better, to your funnel, which captures people’s names and email addresses and then gets your email auto-responder to email them.
Send people to your blogs, Youtube channels or Facebook groups, wherever you want to nurture your audience.
There you have it, my Quora free traffic method is out the bag.
Don’t ever say I don’t care for you because I genuinely do care and want you to succeed online.
Reply to this email and let me know if you’ll be using this strategy and let me know what you thought about this strategy.
Until next time…
Please don’t hesitate to Reply to this email with any questions, would love to personally help you on your journey…
Alicia Borjas