Here Are 5 Reasons To NOT Start Your Own Email-a-day

​1) If you HATE the idea of us providing you with a year’s worth of simple emails to promote products or services, in exchange for recurring monthly retainers and percentage of sales…

Then you’re not going to like this program.​

That’s the core of what you do for any business you choose to partner with as their affiliate.

​You write words for them, and you make money TOGETHER.

But if you hate us providing you with a year’s worth of simple messages in exchange for large sums of money, then this isn’t for you.​

Note: This is all provided for you in our comprehensive program

2) You are 100% satisfied with your job

This program is for people who are looking to make a change in a new direction or who are looking to supplement their income with an extra 6-fig​.

If you’re 100% content with what you’re doing career-wise and how much you’re making, then we commend you.

3) You’re currently in the middle of another program (and loving it)

If you’re currently knee deep in a different program and you are absolutely loving it, I don’t want to steer you off course.

​This is not to say you can’t do multiple programs at once, but we prefer to have students that will be fully committed instead of dispersed.

If you are distracted doing a million different things, it will be hard to help you.​

4) You don’t like the idea of being coached.

This program is not a traditional “watch-a-million-videos-and-do-nothing” course. We now have TWO LIVE weekly coaching calls that you can join to have all your burning questions answered (One every Tuesday morning at 11AM EST and one every Thursday evening at 8:30PM EST).

It’s designed to get you up and making money so you can sit back and work just 4 hours a week ASAP.

If you don’t like following simple directions or being coached, then you will not like this program.

If you can’t implement what you learn, then you will not like this program.

If you deviate from the masterplan laid out in front of you, you will not like this program.​

5) You are completely satisfied with where you are in life.

Some people are living the life and thriving.​

And we applaud them!

​If you are completely happy with your life situation, you don’t want more freedom, you don’t want more income, you don’t want to travel more, you don’t want to spend more time with your loved ones, then hey…

You have life figured out… kudos to you and you shouldn’t spend your time on this.

There you have it.

​5 reasons you should not join this Email A Day Business.​

​If that’s not you then feel free to ignore and we encourage you to enroll ASAP as we don’t know when we will be closing the doors!

​​>>> Enroll NOW for this Email A Day Business & Get the ball rolling towards life changing income.​

God Bless,


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