What’s Your Excuse? 36

Do you not believe?

The first thing we need to start doing is taking care of ourselves; visualize yourself having ultimate health; start dressing like a prospect and not a suspect. The hardest thing you will ever have to do, is to believe that God has a plan in store for you too; to believe that you too have the ability to create and live an amazing life. To believe.

Most people fail in life because of their lack of belief. Do not go through life just surviving. Do not be like some folks that realize 30 to 40 years down the road, that they have not lived their life; so busy working and taking care of everybody else, they forgot about themselves. What do you like to do? How about traveling? Perhaps visiting the pyramids, or visiting Paris.

We want you to refuse to die an unlived life. Always keep in mind that your mind is a machine, you must program it for success. There is a lot more in you than you have been expressing, believe that. Do me a favor, start listening to positive affirmations on a daily basis; it will help you to pause the negative charter that goes on in your head all the time

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