What’s Your Excuse? 34

Are you ordinary?

Success is not being extraordinary, success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. Poor thinking habits keep most people poor, It all depends on your attitude; What’s yours? You choose your attitude; you must send your emotions to school to learn values. Always use your past as a school and not to shape your future. With the proper attitude, you can get a clear picture of how you want your future to turn out. Do the best you can at all times, mediocrity should not be a part of your routines.

Always make demands of yourself and never let yourself off the hook. Start measuring your achievements as small as they may be, measure then and make sure to reward yourself for the achievements. Your subconscious will start believing in those rewards, and will make sure you are setting and accomplishing goals. Once you start setting goals, unconsciously, you will set the life style that you would like to have. Do not short change yourself, learn to dream big, the bigger the better.

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